Aaron Mirabal Agency Owner Mirabal Agencies

Contact Globe Life Family Heritage Division, Agent Aaron Mirabal in Lubbock, Texas

Globe Life Family Heritage Division continues to grow because of one thing: our people. We have the BEST insurance sales force in the world because Globe Life Family Heritage Division truly operates as a family. We are passionate about our life and supplemental health insurance products and how they can help protect a family financially. Best of all, this career enables us to meet and help Americans just like us.

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"Let principles, such as commitment, character, integrity, and discipline guide you."

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Aaron Mirabal is grateful to family members who encouraged him to make the most of his potential by joining Globe Life (Family Heritage). At the time, Aaron worked as a seafood restaurant cook, but contemplated a military career. A late-night conversation with his father and uncle, who were both thriving at Family Heritage, planted the seed for a new direction, and in 2000 Aaron began his career as a Sales Professional.

Today, Aaron represents Family Heritage Life products as Sales Director of the Paramount Financial Group in Lubbock, Texas. The ongoing personal and professional growth he’s experienced at Family Heritage has been rewarding. Aaron is proud to say he maintained a successful sales career all while building top-performing sales teams. But the most significant moment happened when he was promoted to Sales Director and opened his own Agency in Texas.

In addition to helping others realize their potential at Family Heritage, Aaron enjoys knowing the financial protection Family Heritage products help provide can be a great relief to families in troubled times.

“Our insurance products help financially and allow families to focus on getting better or at least being fully present with a loved one during their toughest moments,” he says.

Focus on the aspect of helping others rather than on making the sale – that’s his advice to others considering a sales or leadership position with Globe Life. “Let principles, such as commitment, character, integrity, and discipline, guide you until you find your ‘why’ or purpose apart from money,” he says.

To the new Sales Professionals at Family Heritage, he shares the lessons he learned when he was just starting out at Family Heritage: “If I could go back and do things differently, I’d work on forming the right work habits from the get-go and trust in the law of numbers and the law of average and let that work for me until skill and experience could.”

When he’s not working, Aaron spends time with his family, plays sports, and attends church. The family supports many causes through their church, and has a special interest in a faith-based agency that ministers to women and family during crisis pregnancies. His team volunteers regularly for causes such as the local food bank and children’s hospital.

As he continues to build his business, Aaron feels good about assisting others in the area searching for a better lifestyle and a rewarding career. “The more we help people grow to financial independence, the more it will help the local economy,” he says.

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4704 67th Street

Lubbock, Texas 79414
p: (806) 831-6222
f: (806) 701-5148
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El Paso, Texas p: (806) 885-1813
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Amarillo, Texas p: (806) 885-1813
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Odessa, Texas p: (806) 885-1813
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It's your life. Live it how you want. We can help you make it happen with a career at Globe Life.

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Aaron Mirabal, Agency Owner

We want to meet ambitious leaders like you who hope to positively impact the lives of hardworking Americans by selling insurance for Globe Life Family Heritage Division. Say yes and we’ll give you freedom in your career and a whole new lifestyle. Don’t waste another second before kicking off your successful future.

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(440) 922-5222

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About Us

Globe Life Family Heritage Division offers supplemental insurance products that help provide benefits beyond traditional health insurance. The recipient of numerous awards and honors for outstanding customer service and community outreach, Family Heritage proudly serves thousands of American families.

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Insurance Products

We believe helping to protect your family from life's more challenging surprises is critical. That's why we provide supplemental insurance products to be able to help you with some of the out-of-pocket expenses that could arise in the event of an unexpected illness or injury.

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Career Opportunities

At Globe Life Family Heritage, you’ll embark on a life-changing career path, one to help financially secure your future, challenge yourself, and provide the opportunity to make what you’re worth. Explore our industry-leading competitive commissions, bonuses, incentives, and why we're the Best Opportunity in America.

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Have any questions? Please contact me to discuss your needs and the solutions we offer. I would love to hear from you.

Questions about an existing policy? Contact customer service here.

Office Info

Phone: (806) 831-6222
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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